Specialty Whitening
Some people may require special treatments to achieve the bright, white smile they want. If other treatments have failed or if you have certain conditions, ask your dentist if our specialty whitening products may be right for you.
Teeth Whitening After a Root Canal
Discoloration can occur to your tooth after a root canal. This may be caused by the material your dentist uses to fill your tooth following your root canal, the breakdown of hemoglobin from blood inside your tooth, or even certain products and medications used during the root canal itself. Such discolored teeth may need special treatment in order to restore the bright, white appearance you desire.

Many believe that crowns or veneers are the only options to whiten discolored teeth after a root canal, but your dentist may be able to help without resorting to these costly procedures. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth following a root canal and would like to whiten them, our specialty whitening product for non-vital (or dead) teeth—OpalescenceTM Endo Teeth whitening—may be just what you need.
Just as its name implies, Opalescence Endo whitening gel is designed specifically to whiten endodontically treated teeth from the inside out. Your dentist will put the whitening gel inside your discolored tooth. Once inside, the oxygen molecules from the 35% hydrogen peroxide gel will break down the discolored molecules and whiten the tooth as a result. An Opalescence Endo whitening treatment may last between 1–5 days to achieve the desired results.

Opalescence Endo teeth whitening has helped many patients restore their bright white smiles when they thought it was impossible or out of reach. Opalescence Endo teeth whitening isn’t right for everyone. Consult with a dental professional to determine if you are a good candidate for an Opalescence Endo whitening treatment. Opalescence Endo teeth whitening is vegan-no animal products are used. It is also certified gluten free and certified kosher, so it fits in with the lifestyles and beliefs of patients from diverse backgrounds.
Move the slider to the right to see the before shot, and then to the left to see the brilliant results Opalescence Endo provides!

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Your Teeth
Do you suffer with unsightly white or brown imperfections on your teeth? Such imperfections can frequently cause feelings of embarrassment and cause many people to hide their smile or smile less. But these kinds of imperfections are more common than you might think and are easily treated—with visible results after just one dental appointment. With Opalustre™ slurry you can uncover the brilliant smile you have been hiding.

Enamel imperfections such as those treated with Opalustre™ slurry are superficial in nature. They result from decalcification due to enamel mottling from fluorosis. This means that when your enamel was first forming during childhood, excessive ingestion of
fluoride caused the calcium in your enamel to demineralize, resulting in blemishes of varying degrees of severity
Opalustre slurry works through a combination of chemical and mechanical techniques to gently remove these imperfections in a minimally invasive manner. Its 6.6% hydrochloric acid slurry removes superficial imperfections chemically while silicon carbide microparticles provide gentle mechanical abrasion. This means that these unsightly imperfections can be removed, and once they’re gone your dentist will polish your enamel back to the bright white smile you deserve.

Applied in the dental office, Opalustre slurry may be the teeth whitening solution you’ve been waiting for. Consult with a dental professional to determine if Opalustre slurry is right for you. Opalustre slurry is vegan—no animal products are used. It is also certified gluten free and certified kosher, so it fits in with the lifestyles and beliefs of patients from diverse backgrounds.
Move the slider to the right to see the before shot, and then to the left to see the brilliant results Opalustre provides!

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